Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Kanker Seviks

Kanker serviks merupakan "Pembunuh" Pertama Wanita Indonesia. Kanker serviks terjadi ditandai dengan adanya pertumbuhan sel-sel pada leher rahim yang tidak lazim (abnormal). Tetapi sebelum sel-sel tersebut menjadi sel-sel kanker, terjadi beberapa perubahan yang dialami oleh sel-sel tersebut. Perubahan sel-sel tersebut biasanya memakan waktu sampai bertahun-tahun sebelum sel-sel tadi berubah menjadi sel-sel kanker. Kanker ini biasanya mengenai mereka yang sudah berumur, tetapi dapat juga mengenai pada wanita pada usia muda.

Setiap wanita yang pernah melakukan hubungan seksual mempunyai resiko terhadap kanker leher rahim. Memiliki pasangan seksual yang berganti-ganti atau memulai aktifitas seksual pada usia yang sangat muda juga memperbesar resiko kemungkinan mendapat kanker leher rahim. Penyebab kanker leher rahim umumnya adalah Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) yang ditularkan melalui aktifitas seksual.

Adapun faktor pemicu terjadinya kanker leher rahim antara lain :

1. melahirkan banyak anak
2. melakukan hubungan seksual pertama kali pada usia muda
3. sering berganti pasangan
4. sering terjadi infeksi pada alat kelamin
5. suka merokok, dll

Biasanya kanker leher rahim muncul tanpa gejala, kecuali pada stadium lanjut. Tetapi perlu diwaspadai apabila terdapat tanda-tanda di bawah ini :
1. perdarahan setelah melakukan hubungan seksual, terutama untuk mereka yang telah mengalami menopause
2. Adanya perdarahan di luar masa menstruasi
3. timbul rasa sakit setelah berhubungan seksual

Apa yang harus anda lakukan untuk menghindari kanker leher rahim ?

1.Yang pertama, jika anda pernah melakukan hubungan seksual anda harus melakukan Pap smear test secara teratur setiap dua tahun dan ini dilakukan sampai anda berusia 70 tahun. Pada beberapa kasus mungkin dokter menyarankan untuk melakukan Pap smear test lebih sering.
2. Hal yang ke dua adalah melaporkan adanya gejala-gejala yang tidak normal seperti adanya perdarahan, terutama setelah coitus (senggama), keputihan bercampur darah dan berbau, nyeri panggul atau tidak bisa buang air kecil.
3. Hal yang ke tiga adalah tidak merokok. Data statistik melaporkan bahwa resiko terserang kanker leher rahim akan menjadi lebih tinggi jika wanita merokok.
4. Hal yang ke empat adalah dengan menggunakan pembalut yang berkualitas, yaitu pembalut yang tidak mengandung zat pemutih, zat dioksin dan zat-zat kimia lainnya, serta terbuat dari 100% kapas. Dan WHO menyatakan zat dioksin ini dapat menyebabkan kanker serviks.

cairan putih dari vagina merupakan keputihan.

keputihan ini ada yang normal dan abnormal. Yg abnormal biasanya berwarna kekuningan bahkan kehijauan, gatal dan bau.

utk mengatasi keputihan yang abnormal bisa dengan menggunakan pantyliner dan pembalut herbal avail.

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

apa itu sahabat ???

Persahabatan atau pertemanan adalah istilah yang menggambarkan perilaku kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara dua atau lebih entitas sosial. Artikel ini memusatkan perhatian pada pemahaman yang khas dalam hubungan antar pribadi. Dalam pengertian ini, istilah "persahabatan" menggambarkan suatu hubungan yang melibatkan pengetahuan, penghargaan dan afeksi. Sahabat akan menyambut kehadiran sesamanya dan menunjukkan kesetiaan satu sama lain, seringkali hingga pada altruisme. selera mereka biasanya serupa dan mungkin saling bertemu, dan mereka menikmati kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka sukai. Mereka juga akan terlibat dalam perilaku yang saling menolong, seperti tukar-menukar nasihat dan saling menolong dalam kesulitan. Sahabat adalah orang yang memperlihatkan perilaku yang berbalasan dan reflektif. Namun bagi banyak orang, persahabatan seringkali tidak lebih daripada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu tidak akan merugikan atau menyakiti mereka.
Nilai yang terdapat dalam persahabatan seringkali apa yang dihasilkan ketika seorang sahabat memperlihatkan secara konsisten:
Seringkali ada anggapan bahwa sahabat sejati sanggup mengungkapkan perasaan-perasaan yang terdalam, yang mungkin tidak dapat diungkapkan, kecuali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sangat sulit, ketika mereka datang untuk menolong. Dibandingkan dengan hubungan pribadi, persahabatan dianggap lebih dekat daripada sekadar kenalan, meskipun dalam persahabatan atau hubungan antar kenalan terdapat tingkat keintiman yang berbeda-beda. Bagi banyak orang, persahabatan dan hubungan antar kenalan terdapat dalam kontinum yang sama.
Disiplin-disiplin utama yang mempelajari persahabatan adalah sosiologi, antropologi dan zoologi. Berbagai teori tentang persahabatan telah dikemukakan, di antaranya adalah psikologi sosial, teori pertukaran sosial, teori keadilan, dialektika relasional, dan tingkat keakraban

Kata mutiara persahabatan

- Persahabatan adalah bagian terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia. Fitrah manusia yang memerlukan komunitas mengharuskan kita bersosialisasi, terkadang keberadaan sahabat menjadi lebih penting dari sekedar kenalan. Sahabat sebagaimana orang2 terdekat kita memerlukan cinta, tentu dengan pengejawantahan yang berbeda, klo istri kita butuh kata mutiara cinta atau kadang sekedar ucapan selamat pagi misalnya juga ucapan selamat malam, sahabat juga membutuhkan perhatian dalam bentuk kata mutiara persahabatan atau sms persahabatan klo perlu buat puisi persahabatan cinta. Saya berikan kata mutiara persahabatan untuk anda sahabat sahabat saya pengunjung blog gusbud peluang usaha bisnis online

Kata mutiara sahabat 1
Kawan aku gak akan ada jika kau tak ada
karenamu aku berarti
karenamu juga aku punya alasan untuk terus menatap masadepan
Tanpamu aku kosong kerena memang hanya sahabat yang menjadikan aku manusia bermakna
By gusbud

Puisi persahabatan lucu
Gue rugi berteman ama kamu
Yang ada gue bayarin kamu melulu
dari sendal ampe baju
Bahkan makan tahu juga harus aku

Tapi biarlah
Biarkan aku mengalah
Demi sahabatku gak papalah
Tapi utangku sama kamu gak tak bayar gak pa pa yah, peace

Kata mutiara sahabat cinta
Pacar bisa saja putus
bahkan keluargapun bisa saling bermusuhan
Tetapi tidak dengan sahabat
Sahabat tulus tanpa tendensi
Murni tanpa saling ingin menguasai

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


Once upon a time... a carpenter, picked up a strange lump of wood one day while mending a table. When he began to chip it, the wood started to moan. This frightened the carpenter and he decided to get rid of it at once, so he gave it to a friend called Geppetto, who wanted to make a puppet. Geppetto, a cobbler, took his lump of wood home, thinking about the name he would give his puppet.  "I'll call him Pinocchio," he told himself. "It's a lucky name." Back in his humble basement home and workshop, Geppetto started to carve the wood. Suddenly a voice squealed:  "Ooh! That hurt!" Geppeto was astonished to find that the wood was alive. Excitedly he carved a head, hair and eyes, which immediately stared right at the cobbler. But the second Geppetto carved out the nose, it grew longer and longer, and no matter how often the cobbler cut it down to size, it just stayed a long nose. The newly cut mouth began to chuckle and when Geppetto angrily complained, the puppet stuck out his tongue at him. That was nothing, however! When the cobbler shaped the hands, they snatched the good man's wig, and the newly carved legs gave him a hearty kick. His eyes brimming with tears, Geppetto scolded the puppet.  "You naughty boy! I haven't even finished making you, yet you've no respect for your father!" Then he picked up the puppet and, a step at a time, taught him to walk. But the minute Pinocchio stood upright, he started to run about the room, with Geppetto after him, then he opened the door and dashed into the street. Now, Pinocchio ran faster than Geppetto and though the poor cobbler shouted "Stop him! Stop him!" none of the onlookers, watching in amusement, moved a finger. Luckily, a policeman heard the cobbler's shouts and strode quickly down the street. Grabbing the runaway, he handed him over to his father.  "I'll box your ears," gasped Geppetto, still out of breath. Then he realised that was impossible, for in his haste to carve the puppet, he had forgotten to make his ears. Pinocchio had got a fright at being in the clutches of the police, so he apologised and Geppetto forgave his son.  Indeed, the minute they reached home, the cobbler made Pinocchio a suit out of flowered paper, a pair of bark shoes and a soft bread hat. The puppet hugged his father.  "I'd like to go to school," he said, "to become clever and help you when you're old!" Geppetto was touched by this kind thought.  "I'm very grateful," he replied, "but we haven't enough money even to buy you the first reading book!" Pinocchio looked downcast, then Geppetto suddenly rose to his feet, put on his old tweed coat and went out of the house. Not long after he returned carrying a first reader, but minus his coat. It was snowing outside.  "Where's your coat, father?"  "I sold it."  "Why did you sell it?"  "It kept me too warm!"  Pinocchio threw his arms round Geppetto's neck and kissed the kindly old man.  It had stopped snowing and Pinocchio set out for school with his first reading book under his arm. He was full of good intentions. "Today I want to learn to read. Tomorrow I'll learn to write and the day after to count. Then I'll earn some money and buy Geppetto a fine new coat. He deserves it, for . . ." The sudden sound of a brass band broke into the puppet's daydream and he soon forgot all about school. He ended up in a crowded square where people were clustering round a brightly coloured booth.  "What's that?" he asked a boy.  "Can't you read? It's the Great Puppet Show!"  "How much do you pay to go inside?"  "Fourpence.'  "Who'll give me fourpence for this brand new book?" Pinocchio cried. A nearby junk seller bought the reading book and Pinocchio hurried into the booth. Poor Geppetto. His sacrifice had been quite in vain. Hardly had Pinocchio got inside, when he was seen by one of the puppets on the stage who cried out:  "There's Pinocchio! There's Pinocchio!"  "Come, along. Come up here with us. Hurrah for brother Pinocchio!" cried the puppets. Pinocchio weent onstage with his new friends, while the spectators below began to mutter about uproar. Then out strode Giovanni, the puppet-master, a frightful looking man with fierce bloodshot eyes.  "What's going on here? Stop that noise! Get in line, or you'll hear about it later!"  That evening, Giovanni sat down to his meal, but when he found that more wood was needed to finish cooking his nice chunk of meat, he remembered the intruder who had upset his show.  "Come here, Pinocchio! You'll make good firewood!" The poor puppet started to weep and plead.  "Save me, father! I don't want to die . . . I don't want to die!" When Giovanni heard Pinocchio's cries, he was surprised.  "Are your parents still alive?" he asked.  "My father is, but I've never known my mother," said the puppet in a low voice. The big man's heart melted.  "It would be beastly for your father if I did throw you into the fire . . . but I must finish roasting the mutton. I'll just have to burn another puppet. Men! Bring me Harlequin, trussed!" When Pinocchio saw that another puppet was going to be burned in his place, he wept harder than ever.  "Please don't, sir! Oh, sir, please don't! Don't burn Harlequin!"  "That's enough!" boomed Giovanni in a rage. "I want my meat well cooked!"  "In that case," cried Pinocchio defiantly, rising to his feet, "burn me! It's not right that Harlequin should be burnt instead of me!"  Giovanni was taken aback. "Well, well!" he said. "I've never met a puppet hero before!" Then he went on in a milder tone. "You really are a good lad. I might indeed . . ." Hope flooded Pinocchio's heart as the puppet-master stared at him, then at last the man said: "All right! I'll eat half-raw mutton tonight, but next time, somebody will find himself in a pickle." All the puppets were delighted at being saved. Giovanni asked Pinocchio to tell him the whole tale, and feeling sorry for kindhearted Geppetto, he gave the puppet five gold pieces.  "Take these to your father," he said. "Tell him to buy himself a new coat, and give him my regards."  Pinocchio cheerfully left the puppet booth after thanking Giovanni for being so generous. He was hurrying homewards when he met a half-blind cat and a lame fox. He couldn't help but tell them all about his good fortune, and when the pair set eyes on the gold coins, they hatched a plot, saying to Pinocchio:  "If you would really like to please your father, you ought to take him a lot more coins. Now, we know of a magic meadow where you can sow these five coins. The next day, you will find they have become ten times as many!"  "How can that happen?" asked Pinocchio in amazement.  "I'll tell you how!" exclaimed the fox. "In the land of Owls lies a meadow known as Miracle Meadow. If you plant one gold coin in a little hole, next day you will find a whole tree dripping with gold coins!" Pinocchio drank in every word his two "friends" uttered and off they all went to the Red Shrimp Inn to drink to their meeting and future wealth.  After food and a short rest, they made plans to leave at midnight for Miracle Meadow. However, when Pinocchio was wakened by the innkeeper at the time arranged, he found that the fox and the cat had already left. All the puppet could do then was pay for the dinner, using one of his gold coins, and set off alone along the path through the woods to the magic meadow. Suddenly... "Your money or your life!" snarled two hooded bandits. Now, Pinocchio had hidden the coins under his tongue, so he could not say a word, and nothing the bandits could do would make Pinocchio tell where the coins were hidden. Still mute, even when the wicked pair tied a noose round the poor puppet's neck and pulled it tighter and tighter, Pinocchio's last thought was "Father, help me!"  Of course, the hooded bandits were the fox and the cat. "You'll hang there," they said, "till you decide to talk. We'll be back soon to see if you have changed your mind!" And away they went.  However, a fairy who lived nearby had overheard everything . . . From the castle window, the Turquoise Fairy saw a kicking puppet dangling from an oak tree in the wood. Taking pity on him, she clapped her hands three times and suddenly a hawk and a dog appeared.  "Quickly!" said the fairy to the hawk. "Fly to that oak tree and with your beak snip away the rope round the poor lad's neck!"  To the dog she said: "Fetch the carriage and gently bring him to me!"  In no time at all, Pinocchio, looking quite dead, was lying in a cosy bed in the castle, while the fairy called three famous doctors, crow, owl and cricket. A very bitter medicine, prescribed by these three doctors quickly cured the puppet, then as she caressed him, the fairy said: "Tell me what happened!"  Pinocchio told her his story, leaving out the bit about selling his first reading book, but when the fairy asked him where the gold coins were, the puppet replied that he had lost them. In fact, they were hidden in one of his pockets. All at once, Pinocchio's nose began to stretch, while the fairy laughed.  "You've just told a lie! I know you have, because your nose is growing longer!" Blushing with shame, Pinocchio had no idea what to do with such an ungainly nose and he began to weep. However, again feeling sorry for him, the fairy clapped her hands and a flock of woodpeckers appeared to peck his nose back to its proper length.  "Now, don't tell any more lies," the fairy warned him," or your nose will grow again! Go home and take these coins to your father."  Pinocchio gratefully hugged the fairy and ran off homewards. But near the oak tree in the forest, he bumped into the cat and the fox. Breaking his promise, he foolishly let himself be talked into burying the coins in the magic meadow. Full of hope, he returned next day, but the coins had gone. Pinocchio sadly trudged home without the coins Giovanni had given him for his father.  After scolding the puppet for his long absence, Geppetto forgave him and off he went to school. Pinocchio seemed to have calmed down a bit. But someone else was about to cross his path and lead him astray. This time, it was Carlo, the lazy bones of the class.  "Why don't you come to Toyland with me?" he said. "Nobody ever studies there and you can play all day long!"  "Does such a place really exist?" asked Pinocchio in amazement.  "The wagon comes by this evening to take me there," said Carlo. "Would you like to come?"  Forgetting all his promises to his father and the fairy, Pinocchio was again heading for trouble. Midnight struck, and the wagon arrived to pick up the two friends, along with some other lads who could hardly wait to reach a place where schoolbooks and teachers had never been heard of. Twelve pairs of donkeys pulled the wagon, and they were all shod with white leather boots. The boys clambered into the wagon. Pinocchio, the most excited of them all, jumped on to a donkey. Toyland, here we come!  Now Toyland was just as Carlo had described it: the boys all had great fun and there were no lessons. You weren't even allowed to whisper the word "school", and Pinocchio could hardly believe he was able to play all the time.  "This is the life!" he said each time he met Carlo.  "I was right, wasn't I?" exclaimed his friend, pleased with himself.  "Oh, yes Carlo! Thanks to you I'm enjoying myself. And just think: teacher told me to keep well away from you."  One day, however, Pinocchio awoke to a nasty surprise. When he raised a hand to his head, he found he had sprouted a long pair of hairy ears, in place of the sketchy ears that Geppetto had never got round to finishing. And that wasn't all! The next day, they had grown longer than ever. Pinocchio shamefully pulled on a large cotton cap and went off to search for Carlo. He too was wearing a hat, pulled right down to his nose. With the same thought in their heads, the boys stared at each other, then snatching off their hats, they began to laugh at the funny sight of long hairy ears. But as they screamed with laughter, Carlo suddenly went pale and began to stagger. "Pinocchio, help! Help!" But Pinocchio himself was stumbling about and he burst into tears. For their faces were growing into the shape of a donkey's head and they felt themselves go down on all foursf. Pinocchio and Carlo were turning into a pair of donkeys. And when they tried to groan with fear, they brayed loudly instead. When the Toyland wagon driver heard the braying of his new donkeys, he rubbed his hands in glee.  "There are two fine new donkeys to take to market. I'll get at least four gold pieces for them!" For such was the awful fate that awaited naughty little boys that played truant from school to spend all their time playing games.  Carlo was sold to a farmer, and a circus man bought Pinocchio to teach him to do tricks like his other performing animals. It was a hard life for a donkey! Nothing to eat but hay, and when that was gone, nothing but straw. And the beatings! Pinocchio was beaten every day till he had mastered the difficult circus tricks. One day, as he was jumping through the hoop, he stumbled and went lame. The circus man called the stable boy.  "A lame donkey is no use to me," he said. "Take it to market and get rid of it at any price!" But nobody wanted to buy a useless donkey. Then along came a little man who said: "I'll take it for the skin. It will make a good drum for the village band!"  And so, for a few pennies, Pinocchio changed hands and he brayed sorrowfully when he heard what his awful fate was to be. The puppet's new owner led him to the edge of the sea, tied a large stone to his neck, and a long rope round Pinocchio's legs and pushed hlm into the water. Clutching the end of the rope, the man sat down to wait for Pinocchio to drown. Then he would flay off the donkey's skin.  Pinocchio struggled for breath at the bottom of the sea, and in a flash, remembered all the bother he had given Geppetto, his broken promises too, and he called on the fairy.  The fairy heard Pinocchio's call and when she saw he was about to drown, she sent a shoal of big fish. They ate away all the donkey flesh, leaving the wooden Pinocchio. Just then, as the fish stopped nibbling, Pinocchio felt himself hauled out of the water. And the man gaped in astonishment at the living puppet, twisting and turning like an eel, which appeared in place of the dead donkey. When he recovered his wits, he babbled, almost in tears: "Where's the donkey I threw into the sea?"  "I'm that donkey", giggled Pinocchio.  "You!" gasped the man. "Don't try pulling my leg. If I get angry . . ."  However, Pinocchio told the man the whole story . . . "and that's how you come to have a live puppet on the end of the rope instead of a dead donkey!"  "I don't give a whit for your story," shouted the man in a rage. "All I know is that I paid twenty coins for you and I want my money back! Since there's no donkey, I'll take you to market and sell you as firewood!"  By then free of the rope, Pinocchio made a face at the man and dived into the sea. Thankful to be a wooden puppet again, Pinocchio swam happily out to sea and was soon just a dot on the horizon. But his adventures were far from over. Out of the water behind him loomed a terrible giant shark! A horrified Pinocchio sawits wide open jaws and tried to swim away as fast as he could, but the monster only glided closer. Then the puppet tried to escape by going in the other direction, but in vain. He could never escape the shark, for as the water rushed into its cavern-like mouth, he was sucked in with it. And in an instant Pinocchio had been swallowed along with shoals of fish unlucky enough to be in the fierce creature's path. Down he went, tossed in the torrent of water as it poured down the shark's throat, till he felt dizy. When Pinocchio came to his senses, he was in darkness. Over his head, he could hear the loud heave of the shark's gills. On his hands and knees, the puppet crept down what felt like a sloping path, crying as he went:  "Help! Help! Won't anybody save me?"  Suddenly, he noticed a pale light and, as he crept towards it, he saw it was a flame in the distance. On he went, till: "Father! It can't be you! . . ."  "Pinocchio! Son! It really is you . . ."  Weeping for joy, they hugged each other and, between sobs, told their adventures. Geppetto stroked the puppet's head and told him how he came to be in the shark's stomach.  "I was looking for you everywhere. When I couldn't find you on dry land, I made a boat to search for you on the sea. But the boat capsized in a storm, then the shark gulped me down. Lucklly, it also swallowed bits of ships wrecked in the tempest, so I've managed to survive by gettlng what I could from these!"  "Well, we're still alive!" remarked Pinocchio, when they had finished recounting their adventures. "We must get out of here!" Taking Geppetto's hand, the pair started to climb up the shark's stomach, using a candle to light their way. When they got as far as its jaws, they took fright, but as so happened, this shark slept with its mouth open, for it suffered from asthma.  As luck would have it, the shark had been basking in shallow waters since the day before, and Pinocchio soon reached the beach. Dawn was just breaking, and Geppetto, soaked to the skin, was half dead with cold and fright.  "Lean on me, father." said Pinocchio. "I don't know where we are, but we'll soon find our way home!"  Beside the sands stood an old hut made of branches, and there they took shelter. Geppetto was running a temperature, but Pinocchio went out, saying, "I'm going to get you some milk." The bleating of goats led the puppet in the right direction, and he soon came upon a farmer. Of course, he had no money to pay for the milk.  "My donkey's dead," said the farmer. "If you work the treadmill from dawn to noon, then you can have some milk." And so, for days on end, Pinocchio rose early each morning to earn Geppetto's food.  At long last, Pinocchio and Geppetto reached home. The puppet worked late into the night weaving reed baskets to make money for his father and himself. One day, he heard that the fairy after a wave of bad luck, was ill in hospital. So instead of buying himself a new suit of clothes, Pinocchio sent the fairy the money to pay for her treatment.  One night, in a wonderful dream, the fairy appeared to reward Pinocchio for his kindness. When the puppet looked in the mirror next morning, he found he had turned into somebody else. For there in the mirror, was a handsome young lad with blue eyes and brown hair. Geppetto hugged him happily.  "Where's the old wooden Pinocchio?" the young lad asked in astonishment. "There!" exclaimed Geppetto, pointing at him. "When bad boys become good, their looks change along with their lives!"


Once upon a time, there was a gentleman who married the meanest lady in the land. She had two daughters from a previous marriage. They were considered by everybody to be just like their mother. The man had only one young daughter from his previous marriage. She was a kind and gentle soul and, therefore, was much prettier than her two stepsisters.

After the wedding, the stepmother began to unleash her fury on her new young daughter, who made her own daughters seem rotten by comparison. The stepmother gave the young girl all the worst jobs in the house; she was forced to clean the feces off her dinner plate, scrub the urine out of her drinking glass, and try her damnedest to get the stains out of her parents’ bed sheets. The poor girl was commanded to sleep on the floor in the dingy basement, while her sisters slept in nice warm beds in clean rooms. She had endured the abuse as long as she could until she finally retreated to her father for help. Her father told her he wanted to help, but he was powerless to do anything because he suffered from a debilitating disorder called pussywhippedness. She did not know what that was, but felt that it must be a horrible affliction for her father did not look well.
After her chores were finished, she would sit by the fireplace among the cinders. One day, her sisters were trying to think of a way to humiliate her. They soon started calling her Cinderwhore, which eventually turned into Cinderella.
The next week, the King’s son the Prince invited the most fashionable sphincters in the land to a party. It may sound funny now but in those days “sphincter” was a respectable term meaning “the crack part of the ass”. Cinderella’s sisters were invited. The invitation excited them so that they spent all the day fussing over which gowns and hairstyles suited them the finest. Poor Cinderella was ordered to help her sisters get ready for the party by ironing their gowns and dressing their hair, though she was only allowed to wear rags herself.
“Cinderella, wouldn’t you like to go to the party?” asked one of the sisters.
 “Why, you’re messing with me,” said Cinderella. “I could never go to such an event.”
 “You’re right,” they said. “People would laugh if they saw Cinderwhore there.”
Anybody else would have dressed their hair in such a way to make them look ridiculous, but Cinderella, due to her good nature and cowardice, made their hair look very nice for the party.
That night, the sisters went off to the dance, leaving Cinderella to cry and cry. Her godmother tried to comfort her, asking, “You wish to go to the party, don’t you?”
Cinderella, still in tears, nodded.
“I’ll fix you up,” said the godmother, who was a fairy when she was not busy being a godmother.
“Go get me a pumpkin from the garden,” she told Cinderella, who could not figure out how a pumpkin was going to help in the situation.
Cinderella brought the pumpkin to her straightaway, and the godmother touched it with her magic wand. Suddenly, it turned into a coach.
“Now, grab me that mouse trap,” she said. “We need horses for the coach.”
Cinderella did as she was told and lifted the trap door. Her godmother touched the mice with the wand and turned them into horses.
“Who is going to drive the coach?” asked Cinderella.
“Go to the closet,” replied the godmother.
Cinderella went to the closet and opened it. There was a man inside bound and gagged on the floor. Now, it appeared they had everything they needed.
“What about my clothes?” asked Cinderella, whose apparel consisted of mere rags.
Her godmother touched her with the wand, which turned the rags into a beautiful dress that was far more stylish than her sisters’ dresses. Then, she gave Cinderella the prettiest glass slippers in the world and a diaphragm. By strict law, pregnancy outside of wedlock resulted in the death of the godparents.
As Cinderella entered the carriage, her godmother told her not to stay out past midnight for when the clock strikes twelve o’clock, her coach will become a pumpkin, her horses will be mice again, her clothes will turn back into rags, and her diaphragm will remain intact.  
Cinderella thanked her sincerely and then rode off to the party. When she arrived, the party was crowded with all kinds of sphincters. As soon as she entered the room, however, everybody turned to look. “Who was this beautiful princess?” they all thought. The King himself even whispered to the Queen that he had not seen such a beautiful lady in a very long time, and the Queen even whispered to the King that he would not be getting any sex that night.
Cinderella made her way onto the dance floor. She moved like a sick baboon with hemorrhoids, considering she had never danced before. This did not bother the crowd, though, who still marveled at the lovely young woman. When she was done dancing, she approached her two sisters knowing she had to be careful not to reveal her identity.
“Say,” they said. “You look just like our stepsister. What’s your name?”
“Cinderella,” she replied.
“What a coincidence,” they said. “Our stepsister’s name is Cinderella.”
Cinderella breathed a sigh of relief. They did not suspect a thing. The Prince was another admirer of hers that evening. He could look at nothing else. Finally, when the opportunity presented itself, he approached her.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Are you Cinderella?”
“Well, that’s not my real name,” she said. “That’s just what my sisters call me.”
“Oh, what’s your real name?”
“I see,” said the Prince. “Well, would you like to dance, Cinderella?”
“Of course,” she replied happily.
They danced many times that evening. Suddenly, Cinderella heard the clock strike a quarter to twelve. She quickly left the Prince’s arms and fled the castle. When her sisters returned home later, Cinderella pretended that she had been sleeping the whole night and yawned.
“How was the party?” she asked.
“It was bitchin,” they said. “There was this princess there who looked like you, except she was prettier and smarter. The Prince was really hot for her too. After she left, he was asking if anybody knew her.”
Cinderella was ecstatic to hear this, though she hid her excitement well.
The next night, the stepsisters went to another party at the castle with Cinderella inconspicuously close behind, dressed again in the highest fashion. The Prince was overjoyed that Cinderella had returned. He barely left her alone all night. Cinderella was having such a splendid evening that she did not notice the time until one minute before midnight. She suddenly ran in the direction of the door at the Prince’s bewilderment. He quickly followed her out of the castle but lost her in the dark. However, she left behind her diaphragm for it had fallen out of her purse.
The next day, the Prince officially announced that he would marry the lady who fit the diaphragm perfectly. The King had men travel the countryside with the diaphragm to fit every woman in the land. They found no matches. Finally, they reached Cinderella’s house and tried it on her two sisters but the diaphragm was too small for them. The King’s men decided to try it on Cinderella for she was very attractive. To their astonishment, the diaphragm fit perfectly. The men rejoiced that they had found the Prince’s mysterious lady.
The King’s men took Cinderella, dressed as she was in rags, to the King’s palace and brought her before the Prince. The Prince was delighted to see her finally and asked why she hid from him. Cinderella told the Prince that she feared if he saw her in rags that he might lose his love for her. The Prince chuckled.
“I’m not that shallow,” he said, “I don’t love your clothes, Cinderella. I love your body.”
They were married a couple days later in a beautiful ceremony. After a few years, the Prince became King. During his reign, he went crazy and began committing genocide against his own people. When Cinderella’s father learned that he, his wife, and the two sisters were in line for execution like the rest of the common folk, he went to Cinderella for help. Alas, Cinderella had come down with a severe case of dickwhippedness, and regretfully could do nothing for them.


Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi

Museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi (MPBP) didirikan oleh Yayasan Purna Bhakti Pertiwi atas prakarsa Alm. Ibu Tien Soeharto. Museum yang berada di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) ini berisi koleksi benda-benda dan cindera mata yang bersangkut-paut dengan perjalanan pengabdian Presiden Republik Indonesia Ke-2, Alm. HM Soeharto. Jika berkunjung ke TMII, rasanya kurang lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi museum ini.
Museum ini diresmikan pada tanggal 23 Agustus 1993 oleh Alm. Presiden Soeharto bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun ke-70 Alm. Ibu Tien Soeharto, penggagas pendirian museum ini. Luas bangunan museum 25.095 meter persegi di atas tanah seluas 19,7 hektar.
MPBP berisi ribuan barang yang semua punya sangkut dengan peran sejarah pengabdian Alm. mantan Presiden Soeharto, sejak bundel-bundel naskah pidatonya, senapan yang dipakai di masa revolusi, baju-baju dinas militer, sampai KRI Harimau, kapal perang yang digunakan dalam Operasi Mandala dan pembebasan Irian Jaya tahun 1963.
Sebelumnya sebagian besar koleksi ini dirawat dan disimpan Alm. Ibu Tien Soeharto sebagai pendamping setia Pak Harto. Kemudian, Ibu Tien menyadari bahwa pengalaman hidup Pak Harto bukanlah hanya milik keluarga. Pak Harto adalah milik bangsa Indonesia. Maka, koleksi barang-barang pribadi dan cinderamata yang dimilikinya harus dinikmati oleh khalayak ramai. Tentu, tempat yang paling baik untuk itu adalah di museum.
Memasuki bangunan yang arsitekturnya mirip nasi tumpeng atau gunungan (sebagai kelengkapan inti upacara tradisional) itu -melambangkan rasa syukur, keselamatan dan keabadian- pengunjung disambut dua patung Panyembrama, patung selamat datang. Patung karya seniman Dewa Made Windia sumbangan Ny Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana ini, terbuat dari lempengan uang kepeng dengan tinggi 240 sentimeter. Panyembrama adalah tarian Bali yang biasa diperagakan untuk penyambutan tamu-tamu terhormat.
Bangunan museum dikelompokkan dalam dua kategori, yakni bangunan utama dan bangunan penunjang. Bangunan utama berfungsi sebagai ruang pamer benda-benda koleksi seluas 18.605 meter persegi terdiri enam lantai dengan tinggi 45 meter sampai puncak ornamen lidah api berwarna keemasan di atas kerucut terbesar, dikelilingi sembilan kerucut kecil.
Ruang Utama diapit empat tumpengan warna kuning. Ruang terdepan adalah Ruang Perjuangan, dikitari Ruang Khusus, Ruang Asthabrata, dan Ruang Perpustakaan. Ruang Perjuangan berbentuk kerucut berukuran sedang seluas 1.215 meter persegi terletak di bagian barat kelompok Ruangan Utama. Ruang Khusus seluas 567 meter persegi terletak di bagian utara. Ruang Asthabrata seluas 1.215 terletak di bagian timur. Dan, Ruang Perpustakaan seluas 567 meter persegi di bagian selatan.
Di Ruang Utama tersimpan berbagai ragam cinderamata persembahan Tamu Negara RI, kenalan atau sahabat Presiden Soeharto. Tetapi juga ada cinderamata persembahan tamu-tamu atau pejabat dalam negeri. Semua cinderamata tersimpan dalam kotak kaca.
Di antaranya, cinderamata pemberian PM Kamboja Hun Sen dan PM Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad masing-masing berupa tempat sirih terbuat dari perak. Dari PM Belanda Lubbers berupa patung burung dara terbuat dari perak, Presiden Meksiko Carlos Salinas de Gortari berupa kerajinan perak berbentuk labu, dan Presiden Kazakstan Nursultan Nazarbayev berupa seperangkat piring perak. Masih banyak lagi.
Cinderamata pemberian pejabat atau rekan kerja mantan Presiden Soeharto maupun Ny Tien Soeharto, semisal sebuah kerajinan batu hias berupa mangkuk persembahan istri Bupati Tulungagung. Pada cinderamata itu tertulis: "Dipersembahkan kepada Ibu Tien Soeharto dari Ny Hardjanti Poernanto".
Pengusaha Sudwikatmono mempersembahkan ukiran kayu Johar (Cassia Siamea) berupa pasangan suami-istri yang "dikerubuti" 11 anak mereka. Pada keterangan patung yang diberi nama Menbrayut karya I Ketut Modern itu tertulis: "Zaman dahulu orang percaya banyak anak banyak rejeki. Saat ini kita percaya, banyak anak banyak masalah".
Masih di Ruang Utama berbentuk lingkaran dan luas itu, terdapat replika Peraduan Putri Cina. Replika ini terbuat dari batu giok-jadeite berwarna hijau dan berasal dari Propinsi Yunan, Cina. Konon replika dengan ukuran panjang 2,77 meter, lebar 2,14 meter, dan panjang 3,04 meter itu meniru peraduan putri Cina pada masa Dinasti Sung (960-1279) dan Dinasti Ming (1384-1644).
Di Ruang Khusus, tersimpan tanda-tanda kehormatan yang pernah diberikan kepada Presiden Soeharto. Untuk menyebut beberapa, misalnya Bintang RI Adipura I yang diberikan pemerintah RI (1968), Bintang Mahaputra Adipurna (1968), dan Bintang Gerilya (1965).
Tanda kehormatan dari beberapa negara sahabat, dari Uni Emirat Arab, Brunei Darussalam, Singapura, Jepang, dan lain-lain. Di Ruang Khusus ini pula tersimpan koleksi pedang kehormatan yang di antaranya dipersembahkan oleh Pemimpin PLO Yasser Arafat dan pedang kristal dari Presiden Kroasia Franjo Tudman.
Karcis tanda masuk seharga Rp 2.000 (dewasa) dan Rp 1.000 (anak-anak), pengunjung dapat menikmati koleksi musuem ini pada hari Senin - Sabtu dari pukul 9.00 WIB hingga 16.00 WIB, sedangkan pada hari minggu, dibuka pada pukul 9.00 WIB hingga 18.00 WIB. Setiap pengunjung diantar pulang-pergi oleh empat kendaraan "jeepney" tanpa dipungut biaya lagi.

Masjid Istiqlal


Ini adalah versi stabil, diperiksa pada tanggal 8 September 2010. Ada 9 perubahan tertunda menunggu peninjauan.
Masjid Istiqlal adalah masjid yang terletak di pusat ibukota negara Republik Indonesia, Jakarta. Masjid ini adalah masjid terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Masjid ini diprakarsai oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia saat itu, Ir. Sukarno di mana pemancangan batu pertama, sebagai tanda dimulainya pembangunan Masjid Istiqlal dilakukan oleh Ir. Soekarno pada tanggal 24 Agustus 1951. Arsitek Masjid Istiqlal adalah Frederich Silaban.
Lokasi masjid ini berada di timur laut lapangan Monumen Nasional (Monas). Bangunan utama masjid ini terdiri dari lima lantai. Masjid ini mempunyai kubah yang diameternya 45 meter. Masjid ini mampu menampung orang hingga lebih dari dua ratus ribu jamaah.

Selain digunakan sebagai aktivitas ibadah umat Islam, masjid ini juga digunakan sebagai kantor Majelis Ulama Indonesia, aktivitas sosial, dan kegiatan umum. Masjid ini juga menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata yang terkenal di Jakarta. Kebanyakan wisatawan yang berkunjung umumnya wisatawan domestik, dan sebagian wisatawan asing yang beragama Islam. Tidak diketahui apakah umat non-Islam dapat berkunjung ke masjid ini.
Pada tiap hari besar Islam seperti Idul Fitri, Idul Adha dan Maulid Nabi Muhammad, presiden Republik Indonesia selalu mengadakan kegiatan keagamaan di masjid ini yang disiarkan secara langsung melalui televisi.
Masjid Istiqlal, (Independence Mosque) in Jakarta, Indonesia is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia[1] in terms of capacity to accommodate people and building structure. This national mosque of Indonesia was built to commemorate Indonesian independence, as nation's gratitude for Islam's blessings; the independence of Indonesia. Therefore the national mosque of Indonesia was named "Istiqlal", an Arabic word for "Independence".

Istiqlal mosque under construction. On the right side is the Jakarta Cathedral
After the Indonesian National Revolution 1945-1949, followed by the acknowledgement of the independence Indonesia from The Netherlands in 1949, there was a growing idea to build a national mosque for this new republic, befitting for a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. The idea of constructing a grand Indonesian national mosque was launched by KH. Wahid Hasyim, Indonesia's first minister for religions affairs,and Anwar Cokroaminoto, later appointed as the chairman of the Masjid Istiqlal Foundation. The committee for the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque, led by Anwar Cokroaminoto, was founded in 1953. Anwar proposed the idea of a national mosque to Indonesian President Sukarno, who welcomed the idea and later helped to supervise the construction of the mosque. In 1954, the committee appointed Sukarno technical chief supervisor.
Sukarno actively followed the planning and construction of the mosque, including acting as the chairman of the jury for the mosque design competition held in 1955. The design submitted by Frederich Silaban, a Christian architect, with the theme: "Ketuhanan" (Indonesian: Divinity) was chosen as the winner. The foundation stone was laid by Sukarno on 24 August 1961[2] and the construction took 17 years. Indonesian president Suharto inaugurated the Indonesian national mosque on 22 February 1978.[3] It is still the largest mosque in the region: more than 120,000 people can congregate at the mosque at the same time.
Istiqlal Mosque
The rectangular main prayer hall building is covered by a 45 meter diameter central spherical dome. The dome is supported by twelve round columns and the prayer hall is surrounded by rectangular piers carrying four levels of balcony. Staircases at the corners of the building give access to all floors. The main hall is reached through an entrance covered by a dome 10 meters in diameter. The interior design is minimalist, simple and clean cut, with minimal adornment of aluminium geometric ornaments. The 12 columns are covered with aluminium plates. On the main wall on qibla there is a mihrab and minbar in the center. On the main wall, there is a large metalwork of Arabic calligraphy spelling the name of Allah on the right side and Muhammad on the left side, and also the calligraphy of Surah Thaha 14th verse in the center.

The interior of Istiqlal mosque; the grand domed prayer hall supported by 12 columns
The latter structure is directly connected to the arcades which run around the large courtyard. The mosque also provides facilities for social and cultural activities, including lectures, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, bazaars and programmes for women, young people and children.


Monumen Nasional
Monumen Nasional atau yang populer disingkat dengan Monas atau Tugu Monas adalah monumen peringatan setinggi 132 meter (433 kaki) yang didirikan untuk mengenang perlawanan dan perjuangan rakyat Indonesia untuk merebut kemerdekaan dari pemerintahan kolonial Hindia Belanda. Pembangunan monumen ini dimulai pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1961 di bawah perintah presiden Sukarno, dan dibuka untuk umum pada tanggal 12 Juli 1975. Tugu ini dimahkotai lidah api yang dilapisi lembaran emas yang melambangkan semangat perjuangan yang menyala-nyala. Monumen Nasional terletak tepat di tengah Lapangan Medan Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat. Monumen dan museum ini dibuka setiap hari mulai pukul 08.00 - 15.00 Waktu Indonesia Barat. Pada hari Senin pekan terakhir setiap bulannya ditutup untuk umum.
Setelah pusat pemerintahan Republik Indonesia kembali ke Jakarta setelah sebelumnya berkedudukan di Yogyakarta pada tahun 1950 menyusul pengakuan kedaulatan Republik Indonesia oleh pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1949, Presiden Sukarno mulai memikirkan pembangunan sebuah monumen nasional yang setara dengan Menara Eiffel di lapangan tepat di depan Istana Merdeka. Pembangunan tugu Monas bertujuan mengenang dan melestarikan perjuangan bangsa Indonesia pada masa revolusi kemerdekaan 1945, agar terus membangkitkan inspirasi dan semangat patriotisme generasi saat ini dan mendatang.
Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1954 sebuah komite nasional dibentuk dan sayembara perancangan monumen nasional digelar pada tahun 1955. Terdapat 51 karya yang masuk, akan tetapi hanya satu karya yang dibuat oleh Frederich Silaban yang memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan komite, antara lain menggambarkan karakter bangsa Indonesia dan dapat bertahan selama berabad-abad. Sayembara kedua digelar pada tahun 1960 tapi sekali lagi tak satupun dari 136 peserta yang memenuhi kriteria. Ketua juri kemudian meminta Silaban untuk menunjukkan rancangannya kepada Sukarno. Akan tetapi Sukarno kurang menyukai rancangan itu dan ia menginginkan monumen itu berbentuk lingga dan yoni. Silaban kemudian diminta merancang monumen dengan tema seperti itu, akan tetapi rancangan yang diajukan Silaban terlalu luar biasa sehingga biayanya sangat besar dan tidak mampu ditanggung oleh anggaran negara, terlebih kondisi ekonomi saat itu cukup buruk. Silaban menolak merancang bangunan yang lebih kecil, dan menyarankan pembangunan ditunda hingga ekonomi Indonesia membaik. Sukarno kemudian meminta arsitek R.M. Soedarsono untuk melanjutkan rancangan itu. Soedarsono memasukkan angka 17, 8 dan 45, melambangkan 17 Agustus 1945 memulai Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia, ke dalam rancangan monumen itu.[1][2][3] Tugu Peringatan Nasional ini kemudian dibangun di areal seluas 80 hektar. Tugu ini diarsiteki oleh Friedrich Silaban dan R. M. Soedarsono, mulai dibangun 17 Agustus 1961.
Pembangunan terdiri atas tiga tahap. Tahap pertama, kurun 1961/1962 - 1964/1965 dimulai dengan dimulainya secara resmi pembangunan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1961 dengan Sukarno secara seremonial menancapkan pasak beton pertama. Total 284 pasak beton digunakan sebagai fondasi bangunan. Sebanyak 360 pasak bumi ditanamkan untuk fondasi museum sejarah nasional. Keseluruhan pemancangan fondasi rampung pada bulan Maret 1962. Dinding museum di dasar bangunan selesai pada bulan Oktober. Pembangunan obelisk kemudian dimulai dan akhirnya rampung pada bulan Agustus 1963. Pembangunan tahap kedua berlangsung pada kurun 1966 hingga 1968 akibat terjadinya Gerakan 30 September 1965 (G-30-S/PKI) dan upaya kudeta, tahap ini sempat tertunda. Tahap akhir berlangsung pada tahun 1969-1976 dengan menambahkan diorama pada museum sejarah. Meskipun pembangunan telah rampung, masalah masih saja terjadi, antara lain kebocoran air yang menggenangi museum. Monumen secara resmi dibuka untuk umum dan diresmikan pada tanggal 12 Juli 1975 oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia Soeharto.[4][5] Lokasi pembangunan monumen ini dikenal dengan nama Medan Merdeka. Lapangan Monas mengalami lima kali penggantian nama yaitu Lapangan Gambir, Lapangan Ikada, Lapangan Merdeka, Lapangan Monas, dan Taman Monas. Di sekeliling tugu terdapat taman, dua buah kolam dan beberapa lapangan terbuka tempat berolahraga. Pada hari-hari libur Medan Merdeka dipenuhi pengunjung yang berekreasi menikmati pemandangan Tugu Monas dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas dalam taman.
Rancang Bangun Monumen
Rancang bangun Tugu Monas berdasarkan pada konsep pasangan universal yang abadi; Lingga dan Yoni. Tugu obelisk yang menjulang tinggi adalah lingga yang melambangkan laki-laki, elemen maskulin yang bersifat aktif dan positif, serta melambangkan siang hari. Sementara pelataran cawan landasan obelisk adalah Yoni yang melambangkan perempuan, elemen feminin yang pasif dan negatif, serta melambangkan malam hari.[6] Lingga dan yoni merupakan lambang kesuburan dan kesatuan harmonis yang saling melengkapi sedari masa prasejarah Indonesia. Selain itu bentuk Tugu Monas juga dapat ditafsirkan sebagai sepasang "alu" dan "lesung", alat penumbuk padi yang didapati dalam setiap rumah tangga petani tradisional Indonesia. Dengan demikian rancang bangun Monas penuh dimensi khas budaya bangsa Indonesia. Monumen terdiri atas 117,7 meter obelisk di atas landasan persegi setinggi The 17 meter, pelataran cawan. Monumen ini dilapisi dengan marmer Italia.
Kolam di Taman Medan Merdeka Utara berukuran 25 x 25 meter dirancang sebagai bagian dari sistem pendingin udara sekaligus mempercantik penampilan Taman Monas. Di dekatnya terdapat kolam air mancur dan patung Pangeran Diponegoro yang sedang menunggang kudanya, terbuat dari perunggu seberat 8 ton. Patung itu dibuat oleh pemahat Italia, Prof. Coberlato[7] sebagai sumbangan oleh Konsulat Jendral Honores, Dr Mario Bross di Indonesia. Pintu masuk Monas terdapat di taman Medan Merdeka Utara dekat patung Pangeran Diponegoro. Pintu masuk melalui terowongan yang berada 3 m di bawah taman dan jalan silang Monas inilah, pintu masuk pengunjung menuju tugu Monas. Loket tiket berada di ujung terowongan. Ketika pengunjung naik kembali ke permukaan tanah di sisi utara Monas, pengunjung dapat melanjutkan berkeliling melihat relief sejarah perjuangan Indonesia; masuk ke dalam museum sejarah nasional melalui pintu di sudut timur laut, atau langsung naik ke tengah menuju ruang kemerdekaan atau lift menuju pelataran puncak monumen.
Relief Sejarah Indonesia

Relief timbul sejarah Indonesia menampilkan Gajah Mada dan sejarah Majapahit
Pada halaman luar mengelilingi monumen, pada tiap sudutnya terdapat relief timbul yang menggambarkan sejarah Indonesia. Relief ini bermula di sudut timur laut dengan mengabadikan kejayaan Nusantara di masa lampau; menampilkan sejarah Singhasari dan Majapahit. Relief ini berlanjut secara kronologis searah jarum jam menuju sudut tenggara, barat daya, dan barat laut. Secara kronologis menggambarkan masa penjajahan Belanda, perlawanan rakyat Indonesia dan pahlawan-pahlawan nasional Indonesia, terbentuknya organisasi modern yang memperjuangkan Indonesia Merdeka pada awal abad ke-20, Sumpah Pemuda, Pendudukan Jepang dan Perang Dunia II, proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia disusul Revolusi dan Perang kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, hingga mencapai masa pembangunan Indonesia modern. Relief dan patung-patung ini dibuat dari semen dengan kerangka pipa atau logam, sayang sekali beberapa patung dan arca mulai rontok dan rusak akibat hujan dan cuaca tropis.
Museum Sejarah Nasional
Di bagian dasar monumen pada kedalaman 3 meter di bawah permukaan tanah, terdapat Museum Sejarah Nasional Indonesia. Ruang besar museum sejarah perjuangan nasional dengan ukuran luas 80 x 80 meter, dapat menampung pengunjung sekitar 500 orang. Ruangan besar berlapis marmer ini terdapat 48 diorama pada keempat sisinya dan 3 diorama di tengah, sehingga menjadi total 51 diorama. Diorama ini menampilkan sejarah Indonesia sejak masa pra sejarah hingga masa Orde Baru. Diorama ini dimula dari sudut timur laut bergerak searah jarum jam menelusuri perjalanan sejarah Indonesia; mulai masa pra sejarah, masa kemaharajaan kuno seperti Sriwijaya dan Majapahit, disusul masa penjajahan bangsa Eropa yang disusul perlawanan para pahlawan nasional pra kemerdekaan melawan VOC dan pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Diorama berlangsung terus hingga masa pergerakan nasional Indonesia awal abad ke-20, pendudukan Jepang, perang kemerdekaan dan masa revolusi, hingga masa Orde Baru di masa pemerintahan Suharto.
Ruang Kemerdekaan
Di bagian dalam cawan monumen terdapat Ruang Kemerdekaan berbentuk amphitheater. Ruangan ini dapat dicapai melalui tangga berputar di dari pintu sisi utara dan selatan. Ruangan ini menyimpan simbol kenegaraan dan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Diantaranya naskah asli Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang disimpan dalam kotak kaca di dalam gerbang berlapis emas, lambang negara Indonesia, peta kepulauan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berlapis emas, dan bendera merah putih, dan dinding yang bertulis naskah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.[1][8]. Di dalam Ruang Kemerdekaan Monumen Nasional ini digunakan sebagai ruang tenang untuk mengheningkan cipta dan bermeditasi mengenang hakikat kemerdekaan dan perjuangan bangsa Indonesia. Naskah asli proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia disimpan dalam kotak kaca dalam pintu gerbang berlapis emas. Pintu mekanis ini terbuat dari perunggu seberat 4 ton berlapis emas dihiasi ukiran bunga Wijaya Kusuma yang melambangkan keabadian, serta bunga Teratai yang melambangkan kesucian. Pintu ini terletak pada dinding sisi barat tepat di tengah ruangan dan berlapis marmer hitam. Pintu ini dikenal dengan nama Gerbang Kemerdekaan yang secara mekanis akan membuka seraya memperdengarkan lagu "Padamu Negeri" diikuti kemudian oleh rekaman suara Sukarno tengah membacakan naskah proklamasi pada 17 Agustus 1945. Pada sisi selatan terdapat patung Garuda Pancasila, lambang negara Indonesia terbuat dari perunggu seberat 3,5 ton dan berlapis emas. Pada sisi timur terdapat tulisan naskah proklamasi berhuruf perunggu, seharusnya sisi ini menampilkan bendera yang paling suci dan dimuliakan Sang Saka Merah Putih, yang aslinya dikibarkan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Akan tetapi karena kondisinya sudah semakin tua dan rapuh, bendera suci ini tidak dipamerkan. Sisi utara diding marmer hitam ini menampilkan kepulauan Nusantara berlapis emas, melambangkan lokasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Pelataran Puncak dan Api Kemerdekaan

Pelataran setinggi 115 meter tempat pengunjung dapat menikmati panorama Jakarta dari ketinggian
Sebuah elevator (lift) pada pintu sisi selatan akan membawa pengunjung menuju pelataran puncak berukuran 11 x 11 meter di ketinggian 115 meter dari permukaan tanah. Lift ini berkapasitas 11 orang sekali angkut. Pelataran puncak ini dapat menampung sekitar 50 orang, serta terdapat teropong untuk melihat panorama Jakarta lebih dekat. Pada sekeliling badan elevator terdapat tangga darurat yang terbuat dari besi. Dari pelataran puncak tugu Monas, pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan seluruh penjuru kota Jakarta. Bila kondisi cuaca cerah tanpa asap kabut, di arah ke selatan terlihat dari kejauhan Gunung Salak di wilayah kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, arah utara membentang laut lepas dengan pulau-pulau kecil.
Di puncak Monumen Nasional terdapat cawan yang menopang nyala obor perunggu yang beratnya mencapai 14,5 ton dan dilapisi emas 35 Kilogram. Lidah api atau obor ini berukuran tinggi 14 meter dan berdiameter 6 meter terdiri dari 77 bagian yang disatukan. Lidah api ini sebagai simbol semangat perjuangan rakyat Indonesia yang ingin meraih kemerdekaan. Awalnya nyala api perunggu ini dilapisi lembaran emas seberat 35 kilogram[1], akan tetapi untuk menyambut perayaan setengah abad (50 tahun) kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tahun 1995, lembaran emas ini dilapis ulang sehingga mencapai berat 50 kilogram lembaran emas.[9] Puncak tugu berupa "Api Nan Tak Kunjung Padam" yang bermakna agar Bangsa Indonesia senantiasa memiliki semangat yang menyala-nyala dalam berjuang dan tidak pernah surut atau padam sepanjang masa. Pelataran cawan memberikan pemandangan bagi pengunjung dari ketinggian 17 meter dari permukaan tanah. Pelataran cawan dapat dicapai melalui elevator ketika turun dari pelataran puncak, atau melalui tangga mencapai dasar cawan. Tinggi pelataran cawan dari dasar 17 meter, sedangkan rentang tinggi antara ruang museum sejarah ke dasar cawan adalah 8 m (3 meter dibawah tanah ditambah 5 meter tangga menuju dasar cawan). Luas pelataran yang berbentuk bujur sangkar, berukuran 45 x 45 meter, semuanya merupakan pelestarian angka keramat Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI (17-8-1945).